Equipping Sessions

  • Have you ever gone to counseling but it still didn't help?

  • Do you have any past hurts that you cannot seem to overcome?

  • Is there a bad habit that you just can't get free from?

  • Do you want to walk in a greater level of freedom without shame or guilt?

How do you know if an equipping session is for you?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, we believe an equipping session will help you!

Topics. We'll deliver an interactive teaching on topics that answers questions like:

  • What is Deliverance and Inner Healing?

  • How do people form or modify their belief system?

  • How do repentance and renunciation contribute to my freedom and wholeness?

  • What lies am I believing about myself and/or God?

  • How can I walk in the fullness of what God has called me to be?

After an Equipping Session, you'll grow in your confidence in what God's Word says about your freedom and healing and who He created you to be. You will be equipped to walk in a greater level of freedom and peace and have practical steps to combat attacks from the enemy.

Virtual. Our virtual "I Am Made Whole" Program consist of 7 weeks of group sessions that are each 1.5 hours long.

In-person. At specific locations, we offer 1-day Wholeness Retreats.

What to expect

Is your schedule just too busy for a live session? Take our online course on your own time and at your own pace.

Simply create your account and log into your class.

What We Offer


We understand that an in-person session might not be possible for everyone, so we are offering virtual equipping sessions webinar-style.

Register for one of our upcoming virtual equipping sessions or email us to schedule a private one with your group.


The synergy of an in-person interactive sessions often helps individuals know that they are not alone.

Register for one of our upcoming full day retreats or email us to schedule a private one with your group.

Though our schedules keep us busy, we understand the necessity of 1:1 time for individuals who need more privacy and confidentiality.

Email us to schedule a private session with you alone or with your spouse.





3 sessions | 50 minutes each


7 sessions | 90 minutes each


1 session | 9am - 5pm

Is your schedule just too busy for a live session? Take our online course on your own time and at your own pace.

Simply create your account and log into your class.

What We Offer





We understand that an in-person session might not be possible for everyone, so we are offering virtual equipping sessions webinar-style.

Register for one of our upcoming virtual equipping sessions or email us to schedule a private one with your group.




The synergy of an in-person interactive sessions often helps individuals know that they are not alone.

Register for one of our upcoming full day retreats or email us to schedule a private one with your group.

Though our schedules keep us busy, we understand the necessity of 1:1 time for individuals who need more privacy and confidentiality.

Email us to schedule a private session with you alone or with your spouse.

(on demand)





4 sessions | 60 minutes


7 sessions | 90 minutes


1 session | 9am - 5pm

Don't miss out!